Learn sustainable practices within the plastics industry and understand the supply chain for recycling.
Connect with Indian and international recycling entities that showcase the latest solutions.
Explore opportunities across the recycling industry’s cross-section that will contribute to your future business growth.
You meet experts from the fields of recycling and sustainability, with proven commercially successful approaches to recycling, sustainability, and EPR.
You develop financial, interpersonal, and technical intelligence on different aspects of recycling, sustainability, and EPR.
You encounter product launches and the latest technical updates in the recycling industry.
You understand the machinery and equipment side of the business.
You learn about the entire recycling supply chain, from collection to the post-consumer phase.
You understand the material handling and logistical side of the business.
You understand the legislative, taxable, and sustainability sides of the business.
You learn about the recycling, waste management, and processing sides of the business.